France 2024

 It's January and in fact it is nearly February and we are happily installed in one of our favourite houses along with the company of "His Nibs" as our resident cat is known.  We have been caring for him and his predecessor for over five years and are always glad to be here.

Bearing in mind the fact that he came in from the vines as a fairly feral cat, he has settled in very happily and knows which side his paws are buttered.  However, he keeps very odd hours and we are glad that he has a cat flap!

The year is already filling up with a variety of interesting sits and we are also taking a bit of a break and heading off to Tuscany for a couple of weeks in May.  One of the joys of being based in the Nimes region means that both Spain and Italy are within easy reach.

February/March and here we are with another furry friend 
that we have known since he was a kitten

We made it to Tuscany with the rain hot on our heels!  
Never mind, they  need it and I am sure the Tuscan Sun will return soon.

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